Bud's Surf Pics, Winter '02

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Saturday, December 14, 2002 (Link to Journal Entry)
            WNW Swell - Surf building all morning until closing out much of the North Shore by mid afternoon

All photos by Bud unless otherwise noted. Click thumbnail for full size.
2 hours into the session, I was not fast enough down the face & couldn't avoid a huge thick lip to my head, drove me right through my 7'3".
One of the cleanest snaps I've had. I was waaaay the hell out there when this happened, it was hairy getting back in, never found the front end.

Outer reef spot. Me and one other guy out there

The rip and inside break was nasty
Shutting down across this bay

Left hander inside Waimea Bay
Sunset was a total mess


Sunday, December 15, 2002 (Link to Journal Entry)
            WNW Swell

All photos by Bud unless otherwise noted. **Different camera yesterday & today, I have been a little off with the trigger finger ...

Morning surf check. Bud, Rich
& Eddy. Photo: Courtesy Neal

I surfed for an hour then came
in to shoot pics for a while

Just our crew enjoying
the surf
Stayed clean and glassy all morning
Eddie from Oz
Eddy buries some rail!

1 of 2. Makani takes the top off**
Same wave, 2 of 2 Makani
Neal throws a nice fan
Rich tags a thick one
Rich again, up to crack the lip**
Photo: Courtesy Neal

Smooth green walls. Neal racing as Rich 
prepares to burn him
Spongers get no respect! At least Neal out
manuvered him
Eddy off the bottom. Disposable cam photo:Bud
Neal, pre-dawn slot. Disposable cam photo:Bud

-- Headlines Sunday Dec 15, 2002 --

Reef Swallows Board Whole!
Hungry Lava Tube has Lunch!
Someone Buy that Girl a New Leash!

A few surfers came out right as we were going in ... Broken leash rope, board completely
disappears into the reef! Hmmm where the hell did it go!!??

Hey I think I see it! That hole is like 40 feet in from waters edge


Yep, there it is. But the board is trashed and it's too deadly to go down & get it while whitewater is slamming through the tunnels. Write it off as a sacrifice to the Surf Gods              >>>>>>>>>>>>>>