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Postby HMARK » Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:45 pm

if i bump into him i gotta say mahalo.

LG, ya better!

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Postby SpdBump » Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:44 pm

whatup Liam!!!! Hey, everybody at work in OUR Imaging department misses ya!! That's bullshit that happened to you!! At least you stood your ground and took one for us grunts vs. the asshole docs!! Too bad I'd didnt see you on your last day/no chance to say aloha :cry: Left the place like a phantom into the night.... I heard rumours you are defintely staying on Oahu, so maybe oneday we'll hook up and have a drink or 2 with the gang at MOntereys or something!!

BTW, just came back from sponger trip @ BALI jUNE 20-28TH, did Padangs,Dreamland, and some Airport Lefts/Kuta reef.... Can't believe I didnt bump into you, but its a big place.....Happy for you that you scored G-Land and got some cherry pics to share!!!I still got your cell, so keep in touch bro'....warren

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Postby surfer9joe » Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:48 pm

my Friend Christian sent me this report from indo:
It is the day of my first report, and a friend Lee from NorthShoreand I , hear about a swell . We are off to g-land. This is my third time there and let me tell you the mission to get there makes you apreciate getting there. We left at 11pm in a bemo(9 pas van) The van snakes its way through bali for about five hours and then gets on a fairy to cross over a narly channel. Then we drive a few more hours to Garagagan departure camp. Here we wait for the tide to rise a few feet in just an hour or so, in order for a speed boat to get us to G-land. We ended up leaving about 8 am. All loaded up on the boat we have to time the waves to get out of the inlet. it is amazing how many fishermen and boats are here in Indonesia. No matter where i have been, miles from no where, i see all shapes and sizes of boats, everyone relys on the ocean and reefs here to sustain themselves. 9am successfull crossing to G-land, despite overcrowded boat and some weird sounds from the props as we enter a little bay with a reef that is not quite deep enough so that they lift the motors out of the water half way to get through, not quite far enough this time. No apparent damage though, and we have arrived! 

G-land is already looking good alhough with the overnight travel, and still adjusting to Indo time, it is straight to breakfast and bed. Hawaii is 6 hours earlier than bali only one day previous...1:30 pm, paddle out from the point just above the Money Trees peak.The swell is here and epic conditions, I have decide to be patient consdering the traveling I have done, but Mother Nature has something else planned...Within ten or fifteen minutes a wave comes to me, despite the 50 or so people out down the line, It is within my reach, with no evan nearby to contest it. As I stand up and look down, i know there is as solid 10-12ft face barrel setting up with 50 onlookers looking at me with expectation and disgust. You don't get a wave that good, that easy, that quick. I am tenative but there is no room for that here and I take two big pumps to get where I need to be. Going as fast as I have ever on my 6'8 I pull in and pretty much stop breathing, Instinct has taken over becuse i hadn't contemplated getting wave like this yet. i pull in the tube, barely slowing down and become burried pretty deep, The best tube I have gotten at G-land of my 3 trips there, including this one. 

An older surfer i became friends with considered it my welcome back present. After watching the lip lock me in for a while, i come shooting evan faster and realize the mission was already worth it. The nest day is also good and alittle bigger. Although a little ant-climactic the surf drops for the rest of the time and gives me a chance to recoup and make lots of friends, not much else to do in the jungle. After 10 days there, i head back to Bali for a hot shower and aliitle civilization. Scratch that, When I go to pay my bill, I run into the guy who books the boat trips, the same one i went on last year and he tells me that i must go tonight, because the swell is here an he will put me on a fast boat to catch up to the ss coconut. I am dazed from the same return mission to get back, and restle with the possibility of jumping on a boat for a week, without evan time for some sleep, maybe a hot shower. I tell him no. He finds me a little latter and says He can give me about 7 or 8 hours more. Just enough to change my mind. 2am, fast boat across the channel, sneak on board the coconut, which is loaded up with 10 Aussies. 

They are shocked to find a yank on board the next morning as we pull up to Desert Point. Our Capt, Capt Coconut, has got us there before the other boats and I have similar experince as at G-land. I get 7 or so 4-6 ft hawaiian size waves like neve before, most Barrleing for Hundreds fo yards, if you negtiante the wave correctly. The uncroded line up gives me what i need to get barreled on most of them. With an airdrop in the lip to hold down to keep me humble. I once again find my self in disbelief and spend the rest of the week content to hang out on the boat satiated weather i get another wave or not on the 7 dy trip. Many more stories, but it is time to surf Bali. I hope everyone is safe and sound alllloooooooooooooooha. ocean=home christian 
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Postby LGREANZ » Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:11 am

i saw christian down there and saw him paddle into that wave, he came back 20 mins later up the point with his eye balls hanging out of is head and the biggest gnarly toothed grin. :mrgreen: .
next day he got his booties blown off and had to do the barefoot reef dance.

heres the link to the bobbbys camp photos
Last edited by LGREANZ on Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby LGREANZ » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:47 am

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Postby fabian » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:16 pm

eh liam, wat size boards did you bring out to gland? doubt if i'll be able to go, but u never know. jsut wondering if it's an easy paddle in wave or not.

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Postby surfer9joe » Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:18 pm

I now have two friends down there somewhere, havent heard from either one!
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Postby LGREANZ » Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:07 pm

my 6 8 pintail worked best 4 me.
guys on their front side were riding small boards.
id say 6 6 to 6 10 is perfect.
it wasa super hard wave like sunset hard to get into, had to throw yourself over tha ledge, hard on the backhand.

my 7 0 didn't work to great, too much board to push down the line
but it was definatley needed on a few of those drops. saved my ass more than once.

im sold on the 6 8 s tho.

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Postby Jahsurfs! » Wed Jul 26, 2006 7:47 am

Damn, great read and pictures. I'm goofy so I guess it's a must to surf trip at some point :D
Though shall be nice to everything that moves 8)

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Postby surfer9joe » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:15 am

another email from my friend in indo:
I am back in Bali. My last udate was from South Sumatra and ended with a travel back to Bali including food poisoning, 5 hours of driving, 3 hours in lampoon airport and 2 flights. I survived, and was glad that it was only food poisoning, can't remember the last time I didn't eat for 24 hours. Once back in bali, the three surfers I was traveling with and I met up with all of our friends that were in Bali for a night on the town. It was a lot of fun and include some breakdancing and the most entertaing impromptu dance by our friend cooki and a bar stool. It was only a matter of minutes befor the crowd on the dancefloor formed a circle around him as they watch what looked like a choregraphed dance between unwound traveler and a most unlikely partner. We all payed the next day for the fun we had.

I was now ready to plan my next mission and was introduced to a guy going to panaiton island who needed someone to share a charter boat. I had heard about this place and was excited to go with someone who new this place. It consists of a large bay that contains four world class waves that could all be rated double black diamond. It wasn't until i had commited to go and was telling people, that I found this out. The first question i was hearing was, "do you have a helmet and a wetsuit?" I seached for a wettie in bali and was having a hard time finding one my size. I was getting nervous because I couldn't find one. I ended up buying one that was very tight but it would do. As it turned out, I was one of the few that did not make use of the extra protection. To get there we flew to jakarta, indo capital of 12 million people.

Then we drove 2 hours to arrive on the boat, a 24 ft fishing cabin cruizer, to arrive at 3 am. Despite the tragic death of the indonesian captain possibley due to appendicitus, we were under way with a deckhand named Hindi and the boat owner. While being very nowledgable about his boat, and where we were going, the captain turned out to be somewhat of an alcoholic, which we realized after leaving. We were stoked to realize that the deck hand, despite having never worked on this boat, had it wired and were relieved to know that someone had our safety in mind. We arrived at one palm point around 1100am the next day and were stoked to see our swell prediction was accurate. This is an incredible point break that draws very large swells, bending them about 100 degrees around a point onto some crazy reef, hence helmets and wet suits.

The wave breaks only 50 or so feet off the beech with about 40 of it being reef, and marches down the point for about four hundred meters, with a ususally unmakable girgley section after the first 100. Upon arrival we see solid 12-15 foot faces, some with mechanical barrels winding down just of the reef and then hitting this section. Within the first hour, 3, of the 10-15 crew of regulars here, paddle by our boat with torn wetsuits and broken boards. I am still trying to prepare my mind and get a handle on what I am doing or going to do here.

Everyone had a hekmet on, and i started to wish I did also. Finally, my friend and i paddle out to gety some. I get a standup barrel on my second wave and am trying to settle in this place. My next one looks makealbe through the girgle section which turns the face indo a flat surge of water until you make it past. I think I am through and I see a little barrel seeting up....oops. The face double over and knocks me off with out warning...Thoughs of no helmet are racing through my head but i escape with a few minor cuts around my hands. I get my board and paddle of the reef just in time to see a six footer grind down the same section with no water under it. Glad to be out of its way. Evening session is Higher tide so i get about 6 solid waves just carving the face as fast and hard as I can, love my 7'2' bushman.

This place is so heavy that no one hassles for waves, plus the only people surfing here have been comming here regulalry for a while, so communication is pretty good on who is going. The next morning I break my board on a small wave, first one of the day...I am bummed. We head out to the other side of the bay to check Apocolypse, a brreling right that doesn't let you out. I decline a surf because I don't want to break another board, knowing the chances are high with a backside barrel that doesn't let you out. My friends wait it out as swell here tends to be sporadic in size and score a few 6-8 foot hawain size barrels, they are stoked because in the many trips they have done here, they havn't scored this wave.

Next stop illusions, another right that ususally isn't ridealble this time of year due to wind, and it looks really fun. It doesn't really barrel, but just peels down the reef for a hundred yards before getting too shallow to ride. Afternoon sesion is fun but most of the crew is on it and light winds make it a little challenging but still fun. Every wave allows about 5 off the lips. Evening session is a score, celebrations on the other boats, involving lots of beer and vodka, keep many out of the water. The captain, 2 others and I trade waves for almost 2 hours. I have never covered so much water or done that many off the lips in that amount of time. Opting not use wetsuit or booties, I get lucky after taking one to far and unsuccessfully punching through. No new scrapes. After a few more waves, I take a smaller one thinking it was the last in the set, hitting a chop onthe drop cuses me to fall only to see one of the biggers sets of the day. I duckdive for my skin and starting to regret my decision to go without booties.

While not as close to the reef as one palm, the reef is just as narly... I manage to sve my skin and survive to catch a few more. Day 3 we surf the 4th wave in this place, a left hander called napalm. This is a short wave that allows a pretty easy drop that sets up a havey barrel. It is aliitle windy, but still very rideable and tubing. The guys from my boat get some seriose shacks and I get some good waves, stoked to get waves at 3/4 spots here, pretty sure I will be back. I am now back in bali, shopping for gifts and trying to decide where to go for the upcoming swell as my trip is comming to an end. Staytuned for the wrap update... ocean=home aloha christian
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Postby Bud » Thu Aug 03, 2006 8:21 am

wow thanks for sharing this stuff

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Postby Puerto_Rico_Surfer » Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:44 pm

great read- thanks joe for posting it.
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Postby LGREANZ » Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:54 pm

awesome, makes me so envious. i can close my eyes and imagine.

who wants to go next summer ?

all these spots are in the timmy turner video

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Postby Haoleboy » Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:35 pm

Ditto on the kudos! Mahalos for sharing that. L^]

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Postby olly » Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:36 am

just booked in for a week at Bobby's, May9th through 17th... going to sea tomorrow, then get a free flight to Indo from Guam so taking the oportunity to go to g-land since i only have a week.
can't wait. :D :D :D

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